The 1st Annual Michigan March for Life at the Lansing Capitol is Wednesday, November 8, 2023 with the rally beginning at 11 am. Jackson Right to Life is chartering a bus for a cost of $10 per person. The bus pickup is 9:00 am at the Lumen Christi High School parking lot and we expect to be back by 4 pm. A strong showing of support on the first anniversary of the devastating passage of pro-abortion Proposal 3 sends a powerful message to our elected officials, the citizens of our state, and the nation at large. Join us as we continue to peacefully advocate for the protection of all human life from conception to natural death. Reserve your seats at to register for our charter. Include your name, address, and mobile phone. You may pay using our donation site at and also find more information under the event tab. Call Kathy at 517-262-4746 with questions. Let's have a strong showing for LIFE from Jackson!