(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) begins each September. Contact John Manser through the parish office (784-7184) for details on how to enroll in this year's classes or for a schedule of this year's important events.
RCIA is not simply education in the Catholic faith, but also helping wonderful people to find a place where they can come and know that they are loved and wanted; a place where they want to belong. Nearly every individual involved in this process has expressed this.
These Rites are not just for the people in R.C.I.A., they are also for us, the Community. They help us to renew and remember who we are as the people of God. It is our Lord acting through His church, its ministers and people who do the welcoming. Thank you, people of St. Mary for your love and prayers. Please continue to keep our current Candidates and Catechumens in your prayers.
We welcome anyone who is interested in this journey to please contact John Manser or the Faith Formation office at 788-6153. You may also call John if you would like to sponsor someone or help out in any way. Sessions begin in September, contact John for meeting day.
The St. Mary R.C.I.A. Program consists of weekly sessions running from September to Easter Vigil each year. Participants explore the Catholic faith, learning all about the sacraments, Liturgy of the Mass, and the Catechism in a relaxed setting, with special Retreats and activities planned throughout that time. It is truly a beautiful and wonderful experience for those interested in becoming Catholic, as well as those interested in learning more about their faith.
Sessions for R.C.I.A. are held evenings, usually 7-9 p.m. in a meeting room large enough to accommodate the group. Now is the time to inquire! If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, or would just like to learn more about the Catholic faith, please consider joining us.
Also, we always need SPONSORS. Please prayerfully consider this wonderful opportunity to help someone on their journey of faith into the Catholic church. You don't have to be a theologian to serve our Lord in this capacity, all that is required is to be a friend and a mentor.